The subscription you choose depends on your specific needs. If you require access to our API without integrating via Make or Zapier, you'll need the API subscription, detailed here: Mallabe API Explained.
Mallabe offers various integration modules, some free and some paid (with the option for a free plan). More information can be found at Free Integrations.
At present, payment for paid modules is only possible through PayPal. To subscribe to a free or paid plan, follow these steps:
Log in to your account.
Access "API Keys" or visit after logging in.
Navigate to the "Subscriptions" tab.
Click "Add Subscription."
Select the relevant module.
Choose the appropriate plan and click "Buy."
Complete the purchase details via the payment window.
Congratulations! You're now ready to integrate our modules with your preferred marketplace.
Additionally, there's a comprehensive video detailing the process of registering an account, subscribing to a module, and linking Mallabe to Make. You can view it here: