When using Mallabe Images, access to download the image URL input from your integration flow is required for image manipulation tasks such as resizing and compression. If you encounter the specific permission error "Unable to download file, make sure the file is publicly accessible," it indicates that our system cannot fetch the file from the provided URL. There could be several reasons for this issue, and here's a troubleshooting guide:

  1. Check URL Accessibility: Ensure that the URL provided is accessible and does not require login credentials. You can test this by opening the URL in an incognito window. If the URL is not accessible in an incognito window, Mallabe will also be unable to access it.

  2. Explore Multiple File URL Fields: Some integrations like Google Drive may provide multiple file URLs across different fields in platforms like Zapier or Make during integration. Experiment with the various output possibilities to find the correct URL format that Mallabe can access. If we take Google Drive as an example, the relevant download file in Make is called webContentLink.



This error commonly occurs when integrating with various cloud storage providers such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Airtable, and other image providers. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can diagnose and resolve issues related to file accessibility, ensuring smooth integration with Mallabe Images.

<aside> 💡 Tip: When using platforms like Google Drive, consider organizing your files within a designated folder that already has public access privacy/security settings applied. By setting up a folder with the appropriate permissions beforehand, you can avoid the need to individually adjust the permissions for each image. Simply make the entire folder shareable, allowing you to effortlessly upload images into this pre-configured space.
