Occasionally, errors can occur, and when they do, you may need to assist us in resolving them.

Make (formerly Integromat) offers developer tools specifically designed to aid in debugging your integrations, both in terms of requests and responses. You can download Make’s devtool from here.

You can view an introduction video to the devtool in here:


To obtain help for a specific failure in our integration, we require specific response headers from the failing request. These headers are crucial for debugging, as they help us identify your request amidst the multitude of information and requests processed by Mallabe. The required response headers are as follows:

Here's how you can retrieve these headers:

  1. Ensure the Make/Integromat devtool is open.

  2. Reproduce the issue by replaying your flow.

  3. Select the request sent to Mallabe.

    Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 0.42.09.png

  4. Navigate to the “Response Headers” tab.

    Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 0.42.15.png

  5. Copy the values of the requested headers.

  6. Send us these values so that we can investigate your issue.

Note: Some errors may be sporadic, making reproduction less straightforward. However, your cooperation in providing these details will greatly aid in resolving any issues.