In the event of service failures, it's crucial to ensure that they don't disrupt your workflows. One effective method to mitigate such disruptions is by implementing a retry mechanism in your flow, giving you control over how to handle errors within our integration.

Make's "Break Directive" facilitates the retrying of failed flows. To utilize this directive, simply select the step you wish to retry, add the break directive, and specify the number of retries before deeming it definitively failed, along with the retry interval.

Once configured, it's essential to enable the "Allow storing of Incomplete Executions" option in your "Scenario Settings." Failure to do so will prevent you from saving the scenario.

If this option remains disabled, you'll encounter the error message: "This directive requires storing of incomplete executions to be enabled," as depicted in the image below:

Once all settings are properly configured, if a step fails during execution, it will automatically retry. You can monitor the details of these retries in the "Incomplete Executions" tab at the top.

For further insights on the "Break Directive" in Make, refer to this link.